Harlequin Medical Romance March 2019 - Box Set 2 of 2 by Emily Forbes Meredith Webber Sue MacKay

Harlequin Medical Romance March 2019 - Box Set 2 of 2 by Emily Forbes Meredith Webber Sue MacKay

Author:Emily Forbes, Meredith Webber, Sue MacKay
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-02-28T16:00:00+00:00


P AT INCHED CAREFULLY across the concrete slab that might have once been a ceiling or a floor or even a wall. He reined in his eagerness, making sure his movements were slow and deliberate. The engineers had deemed the site safe but still he was cautious.

‘Hello?’ he called again as he pushed himself further out onto the collapsed building. ‘Can you still hear me?


The voice was faint and raspy but it was real. And it was female.

She was real and she was alive!

Excitement rushed through his body, flooding his muscles with adrenalin. Finally, they could mark another name off the list and this time they had a survivor.

‘Can you tell me your name?’

‘Charlotte. Charlotte Lawson.’

Could it be?

‘Charli? Is that you? It’s Patrick.’


‘I’ve been looking for you.’ He couldn’t believe he had found her, that she was alive. It was a miracle. But he didn’t believe in miracles. ‘Are you hurt?’

‘No. Not badly. But my sister, Amy… I don’t know where she is. It’s pitch-black in here, I can’t see anything. The walls have collapsed and I’m trapped. Please, help us.’

‘Charli, Amy is okay. She wasn’t in the building.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Positive. I’ve seen her. I’ve spoken to her. I’ll get her here and you can talk to her.’ He could hear Charli sobbing with relief.

‘Don’t leave me.’

‘I won’t leave you. I promise. I’m going to get you out but you need to listen to me. It’s going to take time but I give you my word we will get you out.’ He did his best to sound reassuring but he had heard the wobble in her voice. He could only imagine what she was thinking, how she was feeling. It was a miracle that she’d been found and that she was, apparently, unharmed, but Pat knew they’d need another miracle to get her out before anything untoward happened.

There had been other casualties who had survived the landslide only to perish before they’d been able to rescue them, and those deaths weighed heavily on his conscience. He’d talked to those people but hadn’t been able to save them. He wasn’t going to let the same fate befall Charli.

He turned back to Connor and saw he already had his radio in his hand and was putting the call out. Within seconds their team was reassembling, along with the medical specialists and engineers who had been flown in to Wombat Gully. The chapel bells were ringing again and the noise level intensified as people poured out, buzzing with excitement as the news spread.

A survivor!

Pat could hear Connor briefing the teams. The site had been cordoned off but he knew that once news broke that a survivor had been located, the media would be pressing in as close as possible. Connor was issuing instructions to the police to expand the cordon to give them more privacy. They needed to be able to communicate with Charli and extraneous noise wasn’t going to be helpful.

Pat was handed a headset and a search cam, a thin, flexible pole with a camera on the end that could be fed through small gaps.


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